One Network Enterprises™ is the global leader in Digital Supply Chain™ Network solutions and has been successfully supporting the US Department of Defense since 2008. We are in no way connected to or affiliated with the US Navy’s ONE-Net OCONUS Enterprise Network. Please contact them directly for support on their products.
Aerospace, Defense, & Government Supply Chain Solutions
One Network's proven platform services deliver high reliability, security, and performance for the world's largest and most complex supply chains in Aerospace & Defense, Government, and Public Sector
A Track Record of Superior Deployment and Sustainment Solutions
One Network has successfully partnered with government agencies in the U.S. and abroad to deliver cloud-based solutions via the Platform-as-a-Service model that have helped solve a wide variety of multi-party problems. Our work with the Department of Defense is a prime example of the benefits of our cloud platform and the PaaS approach. Read about One Network's new ERP Solution for Defense, and how ONE is helping the U.S. Air Force:
One Network has successfully developed the world’s first real-time decision-making, multi-party cloud platform with innovative features and functionalities that provide an enhanced user experience.
– Frost & Sullivan
"This partnership is a demonstration of that effort according to Air Force Logistics leadership, who commented, “ONE is the catalyst that allows the U.S Air Force to see the art of the possible. Fast demonstrations and proof of concepts quickly demonstrate what will work and move projects into production. Working with ONE, we have a new secret weapon.” For example, the Air Force delivered a prototype in only 16 weeks, which is 80 percent faster, with a cost reduction of 10 percent over traditional legacy costs."
- U.S. Air Force Honored with Prestigious General Spencer Award for Innovation
The Department of Defense (DOD) is made up of many service arms and agencies that must work seamlessly together in order to achieve optimal performance. The service arms are supported in both deployment and sustainment activities by the DLA, USTRANSCOM, OSD, and many private sector contractors, outsourced manufacturers, and service suppliers product suppliers. The result is that the DOD’s current operations operate in “silos”, which results in the buildup of over-sized inventories, extremely long lead times, limited service levels and cost inefficiencies. Traditional commercial-off-the-shelf-software (COTS) will not work for the service arms of the DOD because they offer a single enterprise architecture and single enterprise process approach that can’t meet the multi-enterprise, multi-echelon, requirements of the DoD.
One Network Transforms U.S. Marine Corps’ Asset Management
Ammunition Supply Chain Challenges
- Existing system aging, error-prone, and tightly integrated to many legacy systems
- Needed extensible platform to modernize capabilities, and provide future business transformation opportunities
- Current system connected to legacy systems via 168 MILS message sets
Results Achieved for U.S. Marine Corps
- Achieved global inventory visibility across 398 DoDICs
- Improved service levels to 124 supported activities
- Transaction error rate reduced from over 60% to less than 3%
- Reduced total system cost deploy, maintain and support
- Improved customer satisfaction with 100% system availability
The Defense Core Module
One Network’s cloud platform provides a purpose-built Defense Core module that can manage nearly any transaction and enables each service arm, whether it be the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy or Marine Corps, to integrate closely with each other, as well as the DLA, USTRANSCOM and any civilian companies. The result is that all legacy systems are connected and the service arms have the ability to transact, execute and plan together.
The Defense Core module includes:
- IUID Tracking and OSD Registry reporting.
- DLMS messaging compliance
- MILSTRIP messaging compliance
- Platform to Platform Integration – Connected and disconnected. Store and forward with guaranteed delivery
- Master Data Management
- Manages Repairables, Forecasts, Capacities
- Operates in all military tiers: Strategic, Operational and Tactical
- Audit (FIAR) compliance
- Commanders dashboards for the Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR’s)
One Network’s work with the USMC resulted in the receipt of the Department of the Navy Information Management IT (DON IM/IT) Excellence Award.
A New Model for Government IT Strategies
One Network’s many projects with the U.S. Government and foreign governments around world demonstrate the flexibility, cost-benefits, and power of our cloud platform and the PaaS approach. Schedule a time to speak to one of our government experts and we’ll work together to see how One Network can help you achieve your goals.
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Supply Chain Resources for Aerospace and Defense

Optimizing the Defense Supply Chain with One Network
One Network's Defense solution provides the first, real-time single version of the truth to the last tactical mile. It improves operational readiness with integrated asset, supply, inventory, and logistics orchestration and execution, and it is interoperable with many existing US DoD and other systems.

A Platform for Defense
This report explains the key capabilities defense organizations need to support their operations and supply chains. It contrasts traditional solutions with the capabilities of a multi-party, multi-echelon, real-time network, and how networks support legacy systems while delivering real-time visibility, collaboration and control for all departments in the defense network.

One Network Ammunition Management Solution
One Network's Ammunition Management System (AMS) improves the overall accountability, auditability, manageability and visibility of all munitions (Class V Ground and Aviation) from initial receipt to expenditure. It supports DLMS and Military Standard Logistics Systems (MILS) transactions.

U.S. Marine Corps Ammunition Management Case Study
This case study explains how the United States Marine Corps achieves total asset visibility, and automates the flow of ammunition to warfighters worldwide.

One Network MRO Solution
One Network’s Defense Core software helps enterprises manage the end-to-end asset lifecycle including maintenance, operations and business processes to deliver efficient and effective services aligned with their business goals.

Aftermarket Supply Chain Control Tower Capabilities Checklist
As you consider your Control Tower options, if you can’t check all these boxes regarding Supply Chain Control Tower capabilities, you’ll be relegated to sub-optimal performance in your supply chain operations.

Developer Network (DevNet) FAQ
Build, manage, and deploy powerful multi-party supply chain and business applications. This unique development environment and framework enables organizations to quickly customize solution templates, and create entirely new innovative solutions, that run on ONE’s powerful NEO platform.

One Network Developer Network FAQ
What can you do with One Network's DevNet and who is it for? This FAQ answers some of the common asked questions about One Network's unique development environment that lets you build, manage, and deploy powerful multi-party supply chain and business applications on One Network's powerful NEO platform.

The United States Air Force (USAF) Awards $62M Contract to One Network Enterprises for Its Item Master Logistics Capability Initiative (IMLCI)
One Network to help USAF configure and model new master data management business processes to support its portfolio of logistics initiatives