Business Internet Services
Tools for Instant Communication and Easy Collaboration
The Real Time Value Network’s™ Business Internet Services allows users and groups within your own supply chain to easily communicate. Services include wikis, forums, instant messaging, contact management, secure mail, and compliance management. Business Internet Services make for easier collaboration and coordination within and outside your enterprise.
The Business Internet Services solution includes many services such wiki’s, forums, chat, video, content management, mail and contact management/rolodex services.
Business Internet Services at a Glance
We chose One Network’s cloud platform because it could rapidly scale across our business and trading partners and synchronize multiple technology systems and processes, while helping us identify and execute on cost-saving opportunities.
- Global Demand Driven Supply Chain Manager, Dana
- Allows users and groups across the supply chain to communicate
- Includes wikis, forums, instant messaging, contact messaging, secure mail, and compliance management
- Coordinate with trading partners in real time
Related Resources

Multi-Party Master Data Management
Master Data Management challenges are holding many companies back, inhibiting their ability to make effective decisions and their agility. This report explains a strategy that optimizes supply chain network performance, financial health, and resiliency.

Webinar: Power of PaaS
A webinar with two case studies (US Marine Corps and healthcare app) explaining how companies are using ONE's Dev Net and Platform-as-a-Service to build innovative multi-party apps in the cloud.

Developer Network (DevNet) FAQ
Build, manage, and deploy powerful multi-party supply chain and business applications. This unique development environment and framework enables organizations to quickly customize solution templates, and create entirely new innovative solutions, that run on ONE’s powerful NEO platform.