What is NOSS?
NOSS stands for "Naval Operational Supply System" and is the Navy’s future end-to-end Supply Chain Management (SCM) solution
The US Navy's NOSS program will support the Naval Operational Forces including Maritime, Aviation, Expeditionary and Shore Support Units.
With a fleet of over 450 ships, and approximately 1,000 strike fighters, the United States Navy needs a highly effective supply chain management system to manage the resupply of ships and support its strike fighters.
Each ship needs a variety of supplies to take care of the crew morale and feeding, maintain the ship, support shore-based operations, and ensure operational effectiveness with ammunition, weapons, and fuel.
To accomplish this today, the Navy relies on 16 information systems. However, these systems are outdated and not consistently reliable or affordable. Many of these systems were designed as stand-alone applications, and were never intended to be part of a global enterprise. Multiple hardware configurations and software versions further impact system supportability and the ability to expeditiously change, upgrade or correct application functionality.
Additionally, there are challenges with having a comprehensive view of supply operations across the entire enterprise, meeting DoD mandates and cybersecurity requirements, and achieving Financial Independent Auditability Review (FIAR) goals.
NOSS (the Naval Operational Supply System) is designed modernize this supply chain management system.
One Network's Perspective on NOSS
One Network Enterprise’s NEO Platform was chosen as the end-to-end supply chain management system for the US Navy's NOSS. The NEO Platform is a unified platform that combines the power of artificial intelligence with planning and execution to provide global visibility and optimized decision making across global supply chains. One Network’s Aerospace & Defense Solution is used by other organizations within the US Dept. of Defense, including the Air Force and Marine Corps.
Delivered on a network platform and supported as COTS, the NOSS solution will never go legacy, guaranteeing a future-proofed solution that supports the 2030 and 2040 US Navy visions. It also solves the challenges of providing end-to-end visibility and actionability in ashore and afloat environments, with patented organic capabilities that allow full enterprise capabilities in a small footprint, ideal for operations that are deployed for significant periods of time and in remote areas of the world.
The Significance of a Network Platform for NOSS
Why does all this matter?
- Current systems are not organically built to support Defense in many aspects, including disconnected, multi-tier and defense specific law, regulation, policy, mandate, process and data models
- These systems require significant custom code with separate support agreements from the software
- The vendors expect everyone to adapt to their interface and integration specifications and cannot control the processes of legacy solutions
- They are inherently siloed and customized, inhibiting the defense ecosystem from leveraging capabilities deployed by other services
- Once modules are modified, modernization (upgrades) are difficult, time-consuming and expensive, so customers get stuck with old releases, untimely updates, and significant costs
With NOSS using a supply chain network, it will eliminate all these drawbacks and enable real-time visibility and intelligent actionability across the Navy's operations.
For insight into how NOSS will impact a specific Navy operational area, read NOSS and the Future of Food Service Management.
NOSS and Supply Chain Resources

A Platform for Defense
This report explains the key capabilities defense organizations need to support their operations and supply chains. It contrasts traditional solutions with the capabilities of a multi-party, multi-echelon, real-time network, and how networks support legacy systems while delivering real-time visibility, collaboration and control for all departments in the defense network.

Nucleus Research's Control Tower Value Matrix 2022
Download a complimentary copy of Nucleus Research’s Control Tower Value Matrix for 2022. This report explains and evaluates, the top vendor control tower solutions.

Why Planning and Execution Are Not Two Different Things
Is there a real business need underlying the separation of planning and execution? Or is it simply a limitation of technology? This report explores a far simpler and more effective way to plan and execute.

One Network's Global Logistics Control Tower
Gain end-to-end visibility, insight and control over your transportation network. Learn how you can achieve 30-50% reduction in premium freight costs, 10-40% reduction in overall annual transportation costs, 2-10% increase in equipment utilization, and 12-50% reduction in manual planning.