Real-Time Telematics Data: GPS, IoT and the Autonomous Supply Chain
How to use real-time data to boost efficiency, responsiveness and resilience
How to use real-time data to boost efficiency, responsiveness and resilience
A supply chain is only as fast as the data driving it. Today, new sources of real-time data such as telematics, powering a planning and execution platform, means your supply chain can be more efficient, better optimized, and more automated than ever. But that data must be collected, analyzed and used intelligently across your business network to really make an impact.
A supply chain is only as fast as the data driving it. Today, new sources of real-time data such as telematics, powering a planning and execution platform, means your supply chain can be more efficient, better optimized, and more automated than ever. But that data must be collected, analyzed and used intelligently across your business network to really make an impact.
Know Your Supply Chain Status Now
This solution brief explains how One Network’s NEO Platform captures, analyzes, and consumes real-time streaming data from GPS, IoT devices, sensors, and electronic data logging devices (ELD) embedded in containers and vehicles (both tractors and trailers). You will learn how the platform provides you with real-time status and locations of your orders, predicted future locations and accurate arrival times; and how to use advanced monitoring such as temperature and door openings.
The platform’s intelligent NEO agents consider all this data, such as speed, traffic, and delivery times, and alert you to potential problems well in advance, so you (or intelligent NEO agents) can act to prevent and mitigate problems. The NEO Platform’s unique architecture, combined with real-time streaming data, means unique business benefits, including:
- Increased Asset Utilization
- Greater Resource Utilization
- Higher Service Levels
- Better Operator Performance
- Competitive Differentiation for Shippers
Register now and learn how to utilize real-time data, combined with an intelligent planning and execution platform, to improve service levels and increase responsiveness and resilience.
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