How to Choose a Supply Chain Control Tower
Deriving optimal value from a supply chain control tower
Supply chain control towers offer powerful benefits. They provide valuable insight and important analytics that help you manage and optimize the supply chain.
Unfortunately many control towers miss the mark on foundational and critical elements that are essential to gaining full visibility and control over today’s supply chains. They show you what’s going wrong, but they don’t fix it, or give you the tools to resolve problems quickly and efficiently.
The problem is that many of them are built on invalid assumptions about the way business is done, assumptions that no longer hold true.
Download the Control Tower Guide and learn:
- 3 forces that have changed the dynamics of business today and the way control towers are designed and built
- 7 essential features every control tower should have
- How companies can reduce stock outs by as much as 90%, and expedites by as much as 75%
Fill out the form on the right and download The Control Tower Tech Brief to discover the key components a control tower should have so you can derive optimal value from your investment.
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